About us

Swordtail Inventor
Swordtail Music is based in Lafayette, Colorado. We design amplified tone control products for acoustic string instruments.
Started in 2014 by James Connell and John Brown, Swordtail Music sought to address the challenges and constraints faced by acoustic string players playing in live amplified settings. Our line of Swordtail products allows unprecedented on-board control of tone and volume for a variety of pick-up systems.

Swordtail Inventor
James Connell : Inventor and designer of the Swordtail wifi system, founder of Northland Violins, Solvista Music and co-founder of Swordtail Music. James is a professional luthier, playing musician, inventor and Dad.
John Brown : Co-Founder of Swordtail Music.
Glasser Inc. : Swordtail music partners with Glasser Inc. for design, manufacturing and wholesale distribution support.
Bartolini Custom Amplification : Swordtail Music
works with Clyde Clark, President of Bartolini,
to power the Swordtail systems.
Swordtail Inventor